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My Hero Academia Season 6 OVA: UA Heroes Battle
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My Hero Academia Season 6 OVA: UA Heroes Battle

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My Hero Academia Season 6, My Hero Academia 6, 僕のヒーローアカデミア
Status: Ongoing Studio: Released: 2022 Duration: 23 min. per ep. Season: Type: TV Episodes: 25 Casts: Fukuen, Misato, Kaji, Yuuki, Masuda, Toshiki, Miyake, Kenta, Okamoto, Nobuhiko, Sakura, Ayane, Shimono, Hiro, Suwabe, Junichi, Yamashita, Daiki, Yuuki, Aoi Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis My Hero Academia Season 6 OVA: UA Heroes Battle

With Tomura Shigaraki at its helm, the former Liberation Army is now known as the Paranormal Liberation Front. This organized criminal group poses an immense threat to the Hero Association, not only because of its sheer size and strength, but also the overpowering quirks of Jin "Twice" Bubaigawara and Gigantomachia.

As new intel from the covert hero Keigo "HDengan Tomura Shigaraki sebagai pimpinannya, bekas Tentara Pembebasan sekarang dikenal sebagai Front Pembebasan Paranormal. Kelompok kriminal terorganisir ini menimbulkan ancaman besar bagi Asosiasi Pahlawan, bukan hanya karena ukuran dan kekuatannya, tetapi juga kebiasaan Jin "Twice" Bubaigawara dan Gigantomachia.

Sebagai intel baru dari pahlawan rahasia Keigo "Hawks" Takami memastikan bahwa Shigaraki tidak terlihat, Asosiasi Pahlawan memutuskan untuk menyerang markas musuh dengan serangan mendadak menggunakan seluruh asetnya—dan para siswa UA menemukan diri mereka di medan perang sekali lagi. Saat pertarungan berlangsung, para penjahat yang tidak menaruh curiga harus berkumpul kembali dan melawan, namun para pahlawan pemberani bertekad untuk membasmi mereka semua.awks" Takami confirms that Shigaraki is nowhere to be seen, the Hero Association decides to strike the enemy headquarters with a surprise attack using the entirety of its assets—and the UA students find themselves on the battlefield once again. As the fight rages on, the unsuspecting villains must regroup and push back, but the brave heroes are determined to eradicate every last one of them.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]
